Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to build an online newsroom for your brand.
You took the most important step – getting started. Now it’s time to build on the momentum and start planning a strategy to make the most of this online real estate.
If you’ve been doing your homework, you’ve likely seen some great sites.
How can you make yours even better?
Keep reading for five newsroom must-haves to help you differentiate yourself from the pack.
5 Tips on how to build a noteworthy online newsroom
#1 Customize
The best online newsrooms blend seamlessly with the brand.
The best online newsrooms do an incredible job of reflecting the brand. As you create your company newsroom, ensure you can customize your site to align with your brand identity and voice.
Choose a hero image that reflects your brand values. Use fonts and colors that align with your brand guidelines. Additionally, include images that demonstrate your company's missions and goals.
Also, include quality imagery and categorize your images to make it easier for your visitors to find.
Include items such as:
#2 Synchronize
Always keep the content in your newsroom up to date.
Ensure your newsroom is synced with the latest and greatest information while still providing visitors with the opportunity to view archived news.
#3 Organize
The best sites make it easy for people to find what they’re looking for.
You don't want someone to give up on finding something because they're frustrated with how long it takes to find it.
Here are some tips to create an easy-to-navigate newsroom:
#4 Prioritize
98% of journalists prefer email alerts over searching for press releases when they visit newsrooms, according to a survey.
The lesson here is you need to be able to upload your most important contacts into your newsroom and allow visitors to subscribe to your site to receive the most recent, targeted information.
#5 Analyze
We live in a world driven by data and are lucky to gain new insights that we haven't had before.
The best newsrooms provide insight into their organizations such as:
Access to these data points will help you make more informed decisions moving forward.
Now that you have all the insight into the building blocks of a great online newsroom, let’s talk about choosing the right partner to help you construct it.
Think about your current newswire distribution partner.
Do they offer this service? Keeping your content up-to-date and manually updating information and news about your brand is a time-consuming endeavor.
Many newsrooms fail because it requires a lot of time, effort, and attention to keep the content relevant.
We understand, and that's why we offer Online Newsrooms. These Newsrooms help your audience find what they need. Additionally, they make it easier for you to give them what they want.
Contact us today to learn more about our Online Newsroom Suite!
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